The following is the list of step-by-step guidelines that were followed to remove the appendix:
As an Amazon seller, there is one situation that can be really challenging, and that is getting your Amazon account closed. Some sellers are banned for a short time in which they cannot sell on Amazon or permanently removed from the platform for violating policies. They have stringent policies and regulations that are put in place to ensure that customers conduct their shopping in the best way possible and also, get quality products and services from the sellers on the platform. If you met with a situation when an email is received that your selling privileges are cancelled or your account is suspended, first, do not be worried. To protest this decision, you have to follow the seller appeal process provided by Amazon.
The amazon seller appeal process is roughly as follows: first, you have to call Amazon and ask them to reconsider their decision on your account. You can provide any evidence or excuses that you have that will allow you to make a case as to why this suspension or ban was unfair in your circumstances. This involves a stress and confusion aspect, which may result from the lack of understanding of what to do and what to tell the doctor. However, with the right knowledge and going through the right procedures, there is always the possibility of winning an appeal to have your selling account reinstated. Here is a complete guide on how to navigate the Amazon seller appeal process:Here is a complete guide on how to navigate the Amazon seller appeal process:
Search for Information about the Suspension of your Account
The first step to take when one receives a suspension notice from Amazon is to search for the email that contained the information as to why you were suspended for violating Amazon policies. To locate the official notice of suspension, check the Notification and Compliance section in the Amazon Seller Central. You should be able to get the details of the specific policy or offense that made them to revoke your selling privileges. The email needs to clarify whether the suspension is permanent or for how long you cannot appeal against the suspension. The notice will also state whether you can submit an appeal in regard to the decision or if your account has been permanently banned from selling. Such information will assist you in responding to the problems that arise in the appeal case to provide context and indicate a willingness to correct issues in subsequent periods.
Gather all Information and Evidence that supports the recommendation
One is likely to be requested for proof and substantiation of their claims and a persuasive reason why the decision made by Amazon may not be fair. Therefore, you should compile every piece of information that has anything to do with the suspension reason that will come in handy in the appeal case. This could be invoices, purchase orders, messages exchanged with suppliers/buyers, technical documentation related to your products, or any other documents that help shed light on account transactions. If the problem was linked to the genuineness of the product, then you can gather authentication certifications. For the other policy infringements, gather records that counter the other violations that Amazon has pointed out regarding standard violations. Arrange the documents in a way that they can be easily retrieved as the appeal submission process continues.
Draft Your Appeal Letter
Amazon forces the recipient to contest the decision through an appeal letter or Plan of Action (POA), in which the story, facts, and any other evidence the recipient may have to refute the decision or assert that it was too harsh. Your appeal letter will play a major role in persuading Amazon to reverse their decision and they therefore deserve adequate time in drafting a good appeal. Begin with an introductory paragraph that politely addresses your appeal and your willingness to remain an MN seller. In the following sections, state the reason behind the suspension and then either elaborate on your circumstances or deny/clarify this violation and/then provide supporting evidence. Explain how you will avoid such an act in the future by corrective measures. Apologize for the occurrence of this situation if such a state was caused by your unawareness then give a word of assurance of compliance with the set selling policies in the future. Conclude by reminding the company about the details of your appeal request and thanking them for reconsidering the decision. It is important to read the appeal thoroughly yourself before it is submitted and not just rely on what the attorney has written.
Go to the Contact Details for Appealing
In order to appeal for the suspension of your account, you should follow the contact details and method described in the email that Amazon sends you notice of. In most cases, there will be a link or an email or an onsite form or space, where the first appeal request is made. Write down these details so that you would be in a position to send your appeal documents to the right place. If there are no directions on how one is expected to appeal, they can use the contact page under the Amazon Seller Support. State that you want to appeal an account suspension and provide your seller account details to help you with the process further.
Make sure you submit Your Appeal Documents On time
Regarding the account suspension, it is always good to appeal within the shortest time possible when Amazon allows it in the set period send your appeal letter and any other supporting file. Typically 7-10 days from the suspension date is given for the standard appeal although this varies from one case to another. The timing is important, and it is crucial to submit your appeals within the time they set because a late appeal will not result in a reinstatement in most cases. The following instructions are to be followed to upload the POA and any other documents as may be required. When sending copies of the files via email, use a courteous message in the subject field and in the body of the message, provide information about account etc. before attaching the files. You should get an email shortly, notifying you that Amazon has received your appeal submission.
After the given time frame, it’s imperative to follow up, in case the client doesn’t reply.
Please monitor your registered email address in the few weeks following the filing of your appeal to check if Amazon Seller Performance Team has made any decision. In case you do not receive a response as per the mentioned time frame, then send another reminder to know the status and the fact that an appeal is pending. Write a formal email to the appeals panel to follow up on the results of an appeal made earlier or from other concerned personnel. It’s crucial to provide your seller account name, number, and appeal reference information that they can use to verify systems. When following up for the case, ensure that it is done several times but in a polite manner so as to signify your interest in getting the case solved.
It is also recommended that the appellant provide extra information for consideration in the event that his or her appeal is rejected.
There are times that Amazon may decline the seller’s first appeal and continue to justify account suspension if they do not see it fit to be convinced by negative evidence for non-compliance of the policies. If you have appeal rejection, do not despair yet. As a rule, you can file one additional appeal by presenting additional evidence that confirms the existence of your case. Employ the perceived shortcomings mentioned by Amazon to gather and provide more verification information as a means of removing ambiguity. You can pursue this second level appeal with one year or such period within which you might have been given by the court to present your case and do follow ups as necessary, though the probabilities of being reinstated are not very high this time.
This outlines the chief procedures that a seller must follow when trying to appeal a suspended Amazon account. Despite the fact that the process requires some effort, documenting your case properly boosts the chance of regaining your selling privileges. Stay calm and centered on the goal of proving your point and provide logical reasoning for your actions. However, using a lot of perseverance and strictly following the constructive approach, most of the sellers does succeed in reversing their suspension through the appeal process.